Genome sequencing will be done of all samples of corona case

-Devendra Fadnavis said, Taskforce will be formed soon
Nagpur, 21- Today, on Wednesday, December 21, in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, opposition leader Ajit Pawar mentioned in front of the Maharashtra government about the apprehensions of danger of Corona in the country and the state and questioned the preparations of the government to deal with it. Devendra Fadnavis replied that soon a task force would be constituted in Maharashtra, which would be in co-ordination with the Centre.
100 corona positive case
Along with this, the Health Department of Maharashtra made it clear that on the advice of the Ministry of Health of the Center, from now on, samples of every corona case coming to the state will be sent to labs in Pune and Mumbai for genome sequencing, so that new variants can be known soon. All the information can come to the fore and steps can be taken to deal with it immediately. At present there are 100 corona positive cases in Maharashtra.
Trust and follow the guidelines of the Center – Poonawalla
Adar Poonawala, CEO of Serum Institute of India, the company making anti-corona vaccine Covishield, has tweeted. In this tweet, he said, 'It is worrying to increase corona infection once again in China. But looking at the vaccination and track record in India against Corona, there is absolutely no need for Indians to panic about this growing infection. But trust the guidelines given by the central government and definitely follow them.