Chief Minister Saheb, you are taking the wrong step… you have failed… Manoj Jarange's

Chief Minister Saheb, you are taking the wrong step… you have failed… Manoj Jarange's attack on Devendra Fadnavis
Santosh Deshmukh Murder Case: Chief Minister Saheb, you are taking the wrong step, until your step was not taken wrongly, the society was peaceful. If the Deshmukh family is getting frustrated after meeting you, Chief Minister, then you have already failed today. Your government is behaving in a way that is like running a ransom exchange. People are crying out for justice and you are laughing. Maratha reservation leader Manoj Jarange gave a direct challenge to Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and Dhananjay Munde that if any accused is released, we will make life difficult for Dhananjay Munde's gang.
All failures are the Chief Minister's
The Chief Minister gave his word that he will not spare anyone. Therefore, the Deshmukh family believed him. Due to this, Maharashtra is peaceful. But there is a doubt whether the hands of the investigation agency are tied. Now all the responsibility lies with the Chief Minister. Is the Chief Minister trying to save the accused? There is a doubt now. Maratha movement leader Manoj Jarange has said that from now on, all success and failure will rest with the Chief Minister.
Manoj Jarange said, you still can't find the accused's mobile phone. There must be a lot of evidence in it. That's why they have thrown that mobile phone away. Why is Valmik Karad still not being charged under 302? Is he bigger than Prime Minister Narendra Modi? Manoj Jarange has asked.
...So it is impossible for the Munde gang to survive
Manoj Jarange heavily criticized Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis. He said, if the Deshmukh family gets hurt, we too will be called Marathi, Fadnavis Saheb. Manoj Jarange warned that if anything happens to the life of even one person from the Deshmukh family, it will be difficult for Dhananjay Munde's gang to survive.
The Deshmukh family is not being given information about the investigation being conducted by the police. Manoj Jarange demanded that it be given today itself. This murder was committed due to extortion. This matter is simple. They killed because they demanded money. "If you are going to let him go free, the Deshmukh family will lose patience," said Manoj Jarange.