Read Manusmriti, earlier girls used to become mothers in 17 years!

Gujarat High Court judge's advice to rape victim
Minor rape was filed for permission for abortion
Gandhinagar. The Gujarat High Court, while hearing a petition filed by a minor rape victim seeking permission for abortion, said that once upon a time it was common for girls to get married at an early age and give birth to a child before their 17 years of age. During the hearing on Wednesday, Justice also mentioned Manusmriti.
Justice Sameer Dave of the Gujarat High Court on Wednesday referred to the Manusmriti while hearing a petition filed by a minor rape victim seeking permission to terminate her 29-week pregnancy. Referring to practices prior to the 21st century, the judge suggested that the counsel for the petitioner should read Manusmriti. Justice Sameer Dave also said that if both the girl child and the fetus are healthy, the petition may not be allowed.
Minor rape victim appealed to allow abortion
Actually, the age of the rape victim is 16 years, 11 months and a fetus of seven months is growing in her womb. The victim's father had approached the High Court seeking permission for the abortion. Since the period of pregnancy has exceeded 24 weeks, abortion cannot be done after this period has been exceeded without the permission of the court. Appealing for an early hearing of the case, the victim's lawyer said on Wednesday that the family was worried because of the girl's age.
Earlier girls used to give birth before the age of 17 years.
To which Justice Dave said that the concern is because we are living in the 21st century. He told the victim, 'Ask your mother or grandmother, earlier the maximum age for marriage was 14-15 and girls used to give birth before the age of 17. Not only this, girls mature earlier than boys. You may not have read it, but read Manusmriti once.
direct medical examination
The court directed the Medical Superintendent of Rajkot Civil Hospital to conduct an immediate medical examination of the girl and also said that no orders for abortion would be passed if both the girl and the fetus were found to be healthy.
Court will consider if there is any serious illness in fetus or girl
The next hearing on the matter will be held on June 15. Justice Dave said, "Pregnancy in first sexual intercourse and a girl not disclosing for seven months, this story is enough." The boy is 23 years old and the fetus is more than seven months. What will you do if the fetus survives? Who will see I cannot allow you to kill the child. However, the court can certainly consider if there is a serious illness in the fetus or the girl child.