Vaccination can also be obtained from the drug store in the street

Nagpur :-Now vaccination can be done from the drug shop in Galli Bol. From the bad experience during the corona epidemic, the central government and the Indian Pharmaceutical Association (Indian Pharmaceutical Association) have decided to use the pharmaceutical knowledge of drug dealers to strengthen the health system.
Indian Pharmaceutical Conference was recently held in Nagpur. Various issues in the field of medicine were discussed in this three-day conference. Along with this, it has been decided in principle to train more than twelve and a half lakh registered drug sellers across the country as vaccinators and participate in vaccination. For this, the Indian Pharmaceutical Association, under the supervision of the World Health Organization and the Federation of International Pharmaceuticals, will organize a training programme.
15 days online and 15 days offline training for drug dealers
After imparting 15 days online and then 15 days offline training to the medicine sellers, they will be allowed to administer vaccination. If that happens, vaccinations required to fight against various diseases, vaccinations given to young children and pregnant women in the National Immunization Program will now be possible at the nearest drug dealer's shop.
This scheme of vaccination through drug dealers will be revolutionary in the future
Drug vendors will also be allowed to charge government-fixed rates for vaccinations. Considering India's huge population, if an epidemic like Corona occurs in the future, there should not be a situation where the health system collapses and many people die again. So this scheme of vaccination through drug dealers is expected to be revolutionary in the future.