Corona cases increased three times in 9 days

-2151 new patients were found, 7 died
Active case more than 11 thousand after 5 months
New Delhi. Corona cases have started increasing again in the country. In the last 24 hours, 2151 new patients have been found, while 7 infected have died. At the same time, active cases have increased to 11903, which is the highest in the last five months. Earlier on November 12, the active case was 11084. The daily positivity rate has also increased to 1.51%.
According to Health Ministry data, there was an 18% increase in new cases on Wednesday. Earlier on Tuesday, 1573 infected were found, while 4 patients died. In the last 9 days, new cases have increased three times in the country. On March 20, 646 positive patients were found.
More than 300 cases in three states
The maximum number of cases are being reported in three states Maharashtra, Gujarat and Kerala. On Wednesday, more than 300 daily cases were recorded in these three states. 450 new infected were found in Maharashtra, while 3 died. For the first time since October, more than 2,000 active cases have been registered in the state.
Whereas, 332 new cases were found in Kerala, 3 patients died. On the other hand, 316 positive cases were found in Gujarat. No one died here on Wednesday.
Kovid wards started opening in Maharashtra
Testing has been increased in view of the increase in corona cases in Maharashtra. Kovid wards have started opening in some private hospitals of Mumbai. At the same time, the government has also asked all government and private hospitals to remain in standby mode. Along with this, people have been asked to follow the Kovid protocol.