Khalistan supporters plot to assassinate farmer leaders

New Delhi: Indian intelligence has revealed that the Khalistan Commando Force (KCF) is conspiring internationally to assassinate farmers 'leaders protesting against farmers' laws on Delhi's borders. The activities of the KCF are being monitored by the Indian intelligence agencies RAW and the Intelligence Bureau.
In this regard, the intelligence agencies have prepared a report a few days ago. This report is based on information obtained from various sources. According to the report, the conspirators against India are from Belgium and the United Kingdom. All of them have conspired to assassinate one of the agitating farmers' leaders on the Delhi border.
KCF's plan is to assassinate a leader in the farmers' movement who has worked to end KCF in Punjab. The KCF is a terrorist organization accused of carrying out assassinations in different parts of the country. The organization is spread across countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Pakistan.
According to a senior government official, KCF is now plotting to assassinate a senior farmer leader and intelligence agencies have received information in this regard. Three terrorists from Belgium and the United Kingdom have plotted to assassinate farmers protesting on the Delhi border. KCF is of the view that the assassination of this leader in the current situation could lead to violence in India and that the killing would be blamed on government agencies or activists of any political party.
Pro-Khalistan groups are trying to take over the land under the farmers' movement. India has also banned more than 400 Twitter handles operated from Pakistan. This Twitter handle was used to back up Khalistani supporters and incite violence.