With more than 51% women suffering from anemia in India

Struggling with anemia? Here is a guide to eating your way to better iron absorption

With more than 51% women suffering from anemia in India, here is a game plan for you that will help boost your health and treat the ailment.

Do you often experience a lull in your energy while you study or work? Do you often experience frequent headaches or dizziness? Do you feel a strange urge to move your legs while you rest especially at night? If your answer to all these questions is a big yes, then you might just be one statistic in the staggering 51% Indian women who suffer from anemia. 

According to the Global Nutrition Report, women in India are facing a threatening health challenge with a large number of them suffering from iron deficiency. Iron deficiency, more commonly known as anemia, occurs when the body has a low red blood cell count. 

Iron is an important nutrient, used in the creation of red blood cells, which enables them to carry oxygen around the body. Thus, a decline in the iron levels can lead to a number of maladies, which can be life-threatening, if left unchecked. Some  signs and symptoms of iron deficiency and a decreasing hemoglobin level include: extreme fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, dizziness, anxiety, and brittle nails