Angered by son's love marriage, family members paraded mother naked

Tarn Taran. In a horrific and shameful incident, a 55-year-old woman was beaten and paraded naked in a village in Punjab's Tarn Taran district after her son eloped with a neighbor girl and married her against the wishes of her family.
According to the police, the shameful incident took place in Valtoha village on March 31, days after the victim's son eloped with his girlfriend and the couple got married against the wishes of the woman's parents.
A disturbing video of the incident surfaced on social media platforms on Friday, showing the attackers assaulting the woman and removing her clothes and then parading her half-naked on the streets of the village.
According to the complaint, when the victim was alone at her home, her son's in-laws allegedly assaulted her and tore her clothes. A case has been registered against five people.
three arrested
Punjab Police on Saturday arrested three family members, including a middle-aged woman, for allegedly assaulting a 55-year-old woman and parading her half-naked.