Citizen initiative is required for organ donation - District Surgeon Dr. Nivri Rathore

Nagpur, Dt. 27 : World Organ Day is observed on August 3 to create awareness about organ donation. According to the National Health Portal, 5 lakh patients die every year in India due to unavailability of organs. Out of them 2 lakh people die due to lack of liver. One person can give life to 8 people at the same time by donating his organs. Organ donation is a noble gift. For this, citizens should take the initiative for organ donation, District Surgeon Dr. Rathore has retired.
Every part of the human body is important. If even one part of our body fails, it becomes difficult to live. Today, medical science has progressed so much that patients' lives can be saved by transplanting a new organ in place of that organ. But unfortunately we still don't have enough number of organ donors, he said.
Many people want to donate organs but do not know the process. Public awareness is necessary in this regard. In organ donation, eye donation can be done only within 6 hours after death. Anyone can donate eyes from children to old people. Those who have glasses can also donate eyes, those who have blood pressure, diabetes, asthma etc. can also donate eyes.
The center of both consciousness and breathing is in the masticatory column of our brain. A person's brain stem can die if there is permanent damage to the brain stem from a blow to the head in an accident, bleeding in the brain, or after brain surgery. Brain death is when a patient is declared brain dead or brain dead by a hospital level committee. This team has nothing to do with organ transplantation. Cerebral palsy can only be declared at a government-approved hospital for organ transplantation and pure organ removal. Cerebral death certificate is given to the relative. He said that heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, liver, intestine, skin, bone, nerve and heart valves etc. can be donated in organ donation. said
Within 6 hours after death the dead body is donated to Anatomy Dept. New (medical students) study the human body (medical practice) and use this body. This is called organ donation.
If you want to register for the pledge in this organ donation process given in this way, you can fill the organ donation form by following simple steps. There are five easy steps to register for an organ donation pledge. To register for organ donation, go to the website$pledge registry/ and click on the button Registered for pledge. Authenticate yourself using Aadhaar or Aadhaar linked mobile number. Fill in the necessary information in the form for donating organs or tissues and register as organ to be donated. After that, download your pledge certificate, Dr. Rathod has informed through the press release.