Danger on Earth! Our Chanda Mama is moving away from Earth!

New Delhi. The moon has been present in space above the Earth for centuries. For years we have been hearing many stories of Chanda Mama in stories or films. The moon is not only a satellite of our Earth, but it also has an emotional relationship with us. Scientists have now issued a frightening warning about the moon. According to a research, the moon is constantly moving away from our Earth. Many of its side effects can be seen in the future. This will change the coming time. Scientists also told that the moon is moving 3.8 cm away from the Earth every year.
A team from the University of Wisconsin-Madison has issued a big warning about the 90 million year old moon. Research has shown that the moon is moving away from the Earth at a rate of about 3.8 centimeters per year and this is having a great impact on our planet Earth. The result of this will be that in 200 million years the day on Earth will last for 25 hours. The study shows that 1.4 billion years ago, a day on Earth used to last for 18 hours, but due to the Moon constantly moving away from Earth, the duration of the day is constantly increasing.
The main reason for this phenomenon is related to the gravity between the Earth and the Moon and the tidal force of both the bodies. Stephen Meyers, professor of geology at the university, said, as the Moon is moving away, the Earth's speed is slowing down.
It is worth noting that the research on the Moon moving away from Earth is not a new discovery. Scientists have been making such claims for decades. But, the University of Wisconsin-Madison has confirmed on the basis of evidence after studying meteorites and the Moon that the Moon is moving away from Earth every year.