In West Bengal, 5 people were beaten to death by a mob in eight days

Kolkata. In Hooghly, Bengal, a 23-year-old youth was beaten to death by his neighbours accusing him of stealing Rs 50,000.
The family of the deceased, while registering a murder case with the police, said that the victim Vishwajit Manna was dragged to their house on Sunday night and was continuously beaten with a stick there. When the police reached the spot after getting the information, they found the injured Manna. The police took him to the local hospital, where the doctors declared him dead. The police said that we have registered a named report. The accused Bikash Samanta and his son have been arrested.
This is the fifth lynching incident in West Bengal after June 22. The remaining four incidents have taken place in different areas of Kolkata. In all these four incidents, the people who accused all the victims of theft thought it more important to take the law in their own hands instead of calling the police.
The last incident in Kolkata created a storm on social media. In which 14 college students were beaten to death by a man accusing him of stealing mobile phones. The victim Irshad Alam, who used to repair televisions for a living, was beaten to death.